Here is our report: The “Wily Willets” started at 6:30 am and went to 9 pm. First we stopped at an easy spot for Seaside Sparrows & Marsh Wrens. After that we joined the Coastal Georgia Audubon field trip and racked up 50 species on the west side of Glynn County. We had stunning looks at a Swainson's Warbler. At lunch we got a good long look at a Mississippi Kite. From there in the middle of the day we hit a couple of easy spots and picked up a couple of species at each spot. At Andrews Island causeway we relocated the Nelson's Gull. Marge got a couple of shots and I got a not so good flight shot.
We moved on to Jekyll. The Gray Kingbird was seen by Marge but Carole and I missed it. On our way to the Campground Bird Sanctuary, Marge spotted movement and stopped the car. A small bird was moving around about a foot or two off the ground. At first I called it a Common Yellowthroat but as I watched I got more excited. I saw the head was grayish and it had a faint split eye-ring. On top of that it was very yellow. We were looking at a female Mourning Warbler! It was a life bird for Marge. At the Bird Sanctuary in the Campground there were six small children ages from around 5 to 8. Guess what they were doing? You got it -- playing in the bird bath. I got them to gather around the swing. Marge told them that they were going to have to be quiet and sit still. They were not happy with being quiet and went back to their own camp site. The birds applauded and began coming back into the bath and feeders.
We then headed to Gisco Marine Road area. We hit the tide right. We had several Oystercatchers. One was banded with a yellow band with the number 91. The Black-necked Stilts and shorebirds are easily seen with scopes.
We finished the day at Fort Frederica where we heard Eastern Screech-Owl, Great Horned Owl and Chuck-will’s Widow. I had hoped to beat my record of 99 species from 2001 and 2002. Anna Layton & I did what we called a scramble on Jekyll in May for International Migratory Bird Day. . But I think we did pretty well. We totaled 97 species for Glynn County. On top of that it was just down right fun.
"Double-crested Cormorant",
"Brown Pelican",
"Canada Goose",
"Wood Duck",
"Tricolored Heron",
"Little Blue Heron",
"Snowy Egret",
"Great Blue Heron",
"Great Egret",
"Cattle Egret",
"Yellow-crowned Night-Heron"
"White Ibis",
"Wood Stork",
"Black Vulture",
"Turkey Vulture",
"Mississippi Kite",
"Red-shouldered Hawk",
"Red-tailed Hawk",
"Wild Turkey",
"Clapper Rail",
"Greater Yellowlegs",
"Spotted Sandpiper",
"Short-billed Dowitcher",
"Semipalmated Sandpiper",
"Least Sandpiper",
"American Oystercatcher",
"Black-necked Stilt",
"Black-bellied Plover",
"Semipalmated Plover",
"Ring-billed Gull",
"Herring Gull","
"Laughing Gull",
"Caspian Tern",
"Royal Tern",
"Forster's Tern",
"Least Tern",
"Black Skimmer",
"Rock Dove",
"Eurasian Collared-Dove",
"Mourning Dove",
"Yellow-billed Cuckoo",
"Eastern Screech-Owl",
"Great Horned Owl",
"Chimney Swift",
"Ruby-throated Hummingbird",
"Red-headed Woodpecker",
"Red-bellied Woodpecker","
"Downy Woodpecker",
"Pileated Woodpecker",
"Acadian Flycatcher",
"Great Crested Flycatcher",
"Eastern Kingbird",
"Blue Jay"
"Fish Crow",
"White-eyed Vireo",
"Red-eyed Vireo",
"Loggerhead Shrike",
"Eastern Bluebird",
"Gray Catbird",
"Northern Mockingbird",
"Brown Thrasher",
"European Starling",
"Marsh Wren","
"Carolina Wren",
"Blue-gray Gnatcatcher",
"Barn Swallow",
"Carolina Chickadee",
"Tufted Titmouse",
"House Sparrow",
"House Finch",
"Northern Parula",
"Yellow-throated Warbler",
"Pine Warbler",
"Prothonotary Warbler",
"Swainson's Warbler"
"Mourning Warbler",
"Common Yellowthroat",
"Hooded Warbler",
"Yellow-breasted Chat",
"Seaside Sparrow",
"Eastern Towhee",
"Summer Tanager",
"Northern Cardinal",
"Blue Grosbeak",
"Indigo Bunting",
"Painted Bunting",
"Orchard Oriole",
"Red-winged Blackbird",
"Boat-tailed Grackle",
"Common Grackle","Brown-headed Co
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