Friday, May 13, 2011

Time out for an award

Whoa! Where did the time go? At the end of April I was putting the finishing touches on my TogetherGreen Fellowship Grant Application. I got it in on time on May 2 and then I have been working every day from well before the sun rises to well after dark. There was a Shorebird Workshop from Atlanta. On Monday there was the All Women’s Birding Bust. By the way we found 140 species most of those in Glynn County. It broke my record for one day of birding in Glynn County. More on that later
But today, I had a meeting to attend. The National Society of the Daughters of The American Revolution honored me with an award for my conservation work.
It reads “The National Society of the Daughters of The American Revolution Conservation Committee Dedicated to the Preservation of the Natural Resources of Our Country, Its Soils, Minerals, Forests, Waters and Wildlife Presents this Certificate to Lydia C. Thompson in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement for Environmental Awareness. Thanks to Julie Spivey and the Frederica Chapter of the DAR for selecting me.

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