Monday, April 18, 2011

Week of April 12 through 17 2011

Wow! taxes and grants how much time they take up but they are both important so last week I was up to my eyeballs in both. Even though I was swamped, I always have a little time for birds. Living and working in the Golden Isles birding is easy as you going from island to island. Tuesday I stopped by the pond under the Sidney Lanier Bridge and Avocets were marching back and forth eating.

Thursday, there were White Pelicans at the south end of Jekyll and flying over head. Friday, there were Wood Storks setting up nests in the tops of the pine trees near the Golf course driving range. The spoonbill are still just waving sticks around. There are no signs of them nesting.

Sunday, I finished the week with a trip to the Altamaha's Butler Island areas. Ibis, Black-bellied Whistling Duck were wonderful. I started with avocets and finished with one Black-necked Stilt. Wonder what this week will bring?

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