Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grandmothers and Granddaughters

One of my focuses is to make more birders. My concern is not for making listers or scientists but just that folks enjoy birds. Whether it is in the backyard or traveling the world or somewhere in between, I want to know that birds are being seen and cared about. Because when people care they are more likely to be part of the solutions to hard conservation problems. Well on Friday, I watched as grandmothers and granddaughters share time together. They chose to go birding. It was a treat to see caring and communication thru birds.
Here is Mary and her granddaughter Hannan

1 comment:

  1. Lydia! Thank you for sending. I have been so worried about Mary since losing touch with her on Jekyll. She looks great! As it turns out Judith and Kathleen are headed to me for the horseshoe crab/red knot extravaganza so I can share with them.
    Happy birding, Sharron PS Your Chickadee is hanging in Red Knot Cottage.
