Here is a real quick post about last Thursday’s Bird Ramble. Often mi

gration is going on and we just don’t see it. That is the way it was Thursday. I could hear the Common Yellowthroats all around us but only a few would pop out. They were everywhere on the island. Another common species this day was Red-eyed Vireos.
On the way out to the southend beach, there were Blue-gray

Gnatcatchers. Jason Carter who works at Laura Walker State Park was on the ramble he took the picture of the gnatcatcher as well as the Red-eyed Vireo.
We hit the beach at high tide. There wasn’t a lot of mud for shorebirds but Gwyneth Moody pick out a dowitcher in the middle of the Black Skimmers. See it really helps to have more than one pairs of eye looking when you are birding in migration

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