Storm Fay is crossing Florida right now. The Georgia coast has more trouble with storms that sneak across center Florida and hit us from the south and west than from the south and east. Several times we have had near misses from huge storms like HUGO and FLOYD. These storms scare the ….. out of you. The thought of that storm surge washing over theses tiny barriers to the mainland is like kissing everything goodbye. PS it is. When Floyd came through in 1999 I loaded my van and said goodbye to everything that was home. It was a weird feeling and not a good one either. But Floyd was catch up in the Gulf Stream and was drug up the coastline. We were safe…..that time.
In 2004 we were pounding by several storms. All these storms came across Florida and hit us from behind. I’ve lived with these storms all my life part of me is still fascinated by them. The other more logical part of me is screaming get the heck out of here. That is the part of me that lived on the ro
Today I was out doing, you guess it, festival work. I was on Jekyll. Bob Reed who helps with the field trips told me he had just seen two Magnificent Frigatebirds. They were well on their way by the time I got out. There were lots of Ospreys out and one Bald eagle. Here are my shots of the bans of storms. More tomorrow.
This eagle was eating a big fish and did not want to move. No worries here mate.
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