Sunday, January 10, 2016

Ducky Day

Tuesday, we went to Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge. It is a charming small refuge on the Blackbeard's Creek. It has a lot of interesting history. I was an airforce base then it went to the McIntosh County, and finally, it became a Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge.
The first birds we saw was a large flock of grackles. There is a rhythm to large flocks of blackbirds.
But we came for the ducks, so we went on to Bluebill Pond. There we found ducks, lots of ducks.
There were lots of Blue-winged Teal. There were a few Gadwalls.
But we were there to see another duck. There he was swimming with the Blue-winged Teal.
It was a young Cinnamon Teal. He gave a few look looks and flew to the middle of the pond.

Here he is on the right with his head tucked under his wing. We watched the other ducks
                                                       Here they are feeding.
The Ducks were not the only birds as we walked around Billbill Pond up to Woody Pond; I spotted this Little Blue Heron. It was an excellent end to a Ducky Day.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lydia, I enjoyed reading your blog.

    I am trying to research a weekend trip to Harris Neck during spring nesting time and your blog came up. Any advice on when would be the best time to go or where to stay? I'll be driving down from Atlanta. Thanks, John
