Tuesday, June 2, 2015

David's Garden

This is a little bit of an departure for me but here goes.
During my battle with Breast Cancer, the chemo did it number on the cancer but it made me weak. Still almost everyday, I would try to walk down a few houses to visit David's garden.  It just inspired me to get up and get out.  So I want to share his garden with you.  I am also working on my yard to look kind of like his garden.  I really love the Dune Sunflowers that will bloom all summer.  See

Here is another view
Wish me luck.
Also I want to share a blog with you.  My friend Debbie is also showing off the beauty of our Wild Georgia Coast. Here is the link: http://wildlifepersonalities.blogspot.com/

Enjoy, I am off to meet the TALON group. Talon stands for Teen Adventures Learning Ornithology and Nature.  They are going to looking for the Wilson's Plovers.  That is always fun.

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