Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feilds of Water Lillies

      On June 3rd, Priscilla & I went to Savannah National Wildlife Refuge.  We were looking for a Purple Gullinule.  The refuge is actually in South Carolina along the Savannah River.  We were going to explore the Wildlife Drive.
Here are a few things we found:
                   Fields of Water Lillies.
Lots of baby Common Gallinules. 
                                                                                  Lots of alligators

Everyone was looking for them
We were looking through the field of water lillies past all the alligators, and Common Gallinules.  Our patience paid off. There were the amazing Purple Gallinule. 
As we were leaving, I looked up there were lots of Mississippi Kites.  It was a great day!  And Priscilla got to she her first Purple Gallinule! 

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