Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Strong east wind

A strong east wind piled up Sargassum grass on Jekyll over the weekend
 This is one of those sea weeds that is really wonderful....quite cool.  When out on the ocean, it is a safe world for all kinds of creature, like baby sea turtles.  It has Wilson's Storm-petrels dancing over it looking for tiny crabs that live in it.  Wilson's Storm-petrel are sometime called sea swallows for their swallow-like silhouettes.
 Here some sargassum grass is rolling in the surf at the south end of Jekyll.  Don't you like its golden color?  It has little bladders so it can float of the surface of the ocean.
It is piling up right in front of the huge wrack line.  It appears the oldest Wilson's Plover chick has fledged and is now flying.   The second oldest Wilson's Plover chick still has the drooping wing.  Still it is running around and  gleaning insects in the middle of Sargassum grass.  Time will tell if this bird ever flies.  On the good news front,  we now have 4 new chicks on the southwest side of Jekyll.  Yea!

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