Sunday, February 26, 2012

Operation Plover Patrol Surveys help resting shorebirds

I posted on February 12th, the plans for Operation Plover Patrol. This year it is a simple task of watching the birds at the south end. There is a survey form that I created, that I ask the volunteers to fill out as they watch. The survey times are around high tide. I schedule the time so the volunteers gets there a little before high tide. Then for two hours, you watch. It is very easy. I just want you to watch and record what you see happening.

This data will help me prepare positive scripts for future volunteers who start the patrols.The resting Sanderlings and Ruddy Turnstone thank the volunteersThe male Wilson's Plovers gets his nap because the volunteers are there.

The over 60 American Oystercatchers want to thank Carl Runge, Wes Utter, Gene Keferl and Mary Hoffman for helping them get in some shut eye before they had to get out an find food.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lydia,

    I've awarded you [sound of trumpets] a Liebster Award.
    Please check my blog for details.

    Best wishes,
