Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coast to Coast for Audubon

You know the proverb: " A journey of a 1000 mile begins with one step." Today the big adventure begins for Brad Storey. It is a 3000-mile walk to connect with birds and Audubon Groups across the country. He is starting right here on Jekyll. You can follow his travels through his blog.

Being the Birding Ambassador for the Georgia Coast, I had to show him the Bird Sanctuary in the Campground. The Northern Parula showed off and a Black and White Warbler was working the trees. One Ruby-throated Hummingbirds buzzed by. Naturally, I gave him directions to the Amphitheater Pond. My wish is to start him off with a good list of birds and habitats.
Have fun out there Brad. See a couple of good birds for me, a grounded bird gypsy.

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