Monday, February 28, 2011

working on new monotypes

A couple of weeks ago I did some bird surveys of a small pocket marsh. When I was walking out I was captivated by the dry plants. This is the area where I found the plants.The last day I gather some and Sunday I finally got out to my studio. It was a productive time. Now these are just the start of my monotypes but I thought I would share with you. I am using a water based etching ink from Daniel Smith. The paper has to me soaked or it will crease as it goes through the press. The challenge is to get a image of the dry plants that I envisioned in the field. It took some experimenting but the results was worth it.

These are just three of the images. I still have more work but I just had to share.

The area has beautiful Sedge Wrens that spend the winter in this area. On the surveys one or two would just pop up. What a thrill to see these little birds.