Friday, July 16, 2010

Birdy Friday Report

Oh it just not as much fun with out photos but today was a wonderful bird day on Jekyll. Yes, it is very hot and humid out there. First, I was sitting on bench in the shade looking up thinking I sure would like to see a Yellow-throated Warbler and a Yellow-throated Warbler flew in. It didn't stay long but what a pretty bird. I did have the pleasure of the company JR and his dad for a short Amble. JR and his group won his division of the Youth birding team competition last April. It is a pleasure to be in the company of a young talent. His Raven 8x32 Binoculars were perfect for his hands. He got a life bird. There was a Gull-billed Tern working the river. At the campground where we saw Painted Buntings, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, and North Parula.

They left and I have been in the Wild Birds Unlimited Store. All day a female hummingbird has been looking for food all around the shops gardens. It would be feeding on tiny flower and people would walk right by.

Gene Keferl just stopped by and reported that the Wilson's Plovers are doing ok at the south end. He saw two chicks and three adults. He also reported lots of Royal Terns, Laughing Gulls and skimmers. There were also a few Least Terns.

It is just a birdy Friday

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