Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wilson's Plover update

For the last couple of weeks I have been looking for nesting Wilson's Plovers on Jekyll Island. All I have been able to find so far is one Wilson's Plover nest. Yesterday, the female was sitting tight. Once she got up to chase off a ghost crab then she settled back. Here is a drawing I did.

I moved down the beach to look for any others but no luck. I will not say that there are no others. There may be a pair or two tucked up out of sight. Time will tell so I will keep watch.

I reported to Tim Keyes a Georgia Department of Nature Resources research scientist. He wrote back that it has been hard on the Wilson's on Egg Island Bar & Wolf Island. But the ones on south end of Cumberland Island are doing well so far. I am waiting and watching. Here one more drawing I did yesterday.

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