Sunday, January 10, 2010

Buff-bellied Hummingbird on St. SImons

Martha and Richard Armstrong put out their hummingbird feeder in November. One of Martha’s school mates had given a lecture on wintering hummingbirds. So they they put that feeder, after a month or so of waiting they were rewarded. Two hummingbirds showed up. The first one was a tiny Ruby-throated male but the second one was not. They emailed pictures to their friend Fred Bassett. Fred sent the pictures to Doreen and Jim Cubies of Awendaw S.C. This is the way the Hummingbird Study Group works. They jumped in their car and came to St. Simons to band the Buff-bellied Hummingbird. This is only the second record of this hummingbird species in the state of Georgia.
What excitement!

Even with this bone chilling cold the bird is surviving. This photo is taken by Bill Flatau who was very kind to allow me to use it here. This is an after-hatch year (full grown) female. She is singing which is a high pitched chatter to my ear. Isn't she a jewel? She spends part of her time sunning in the live oak trees and part of her time at the feeder. Although in true hummingbird fashion she is a bully to the little Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Thanks so much Martha and Richard Armstrong for being so nice to all us birders who are clamoring to see it.

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