Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Exploring the Indian Mound Golf Course

Last Wednesday, I went out at 8:30 am to do some research for the Golf Cart Nature Tours. After talking to Harry Kicklighter, the Director of Golf for Jekyll Island, I changed my route and it worked. First thing, there was a young Osprey still sitting in the nest and the parent sitting across the road calling for it to fly. There are around six or seven nests of Ospreys on Jekyll so you do get used to hearing them calling to each other.

At the first stop away from the road, there were several birds feeding on the ground one of those was a female/immature Painted Bunting. You know the males are stunning but the green on this bird match the green of the tee. Pretty awesome. Here is where I encountered my first dragonfly. I am going to learn these insects so here is my first stab at it. If you know dragonflies, please feel free to correct me. Then we all can learn together.
I think this is a Wandering Glider. Don't you just love the name? Wandering Glider just sounds like something I would want to do on a hot, lazy summer day.

There are dragonflies all over the golf course. I found lots of dragonflies in these two area.
Here is a Eastern Pondhawk or at least that is as close as I could come with my nonexistent knowledge of them. Once again we are here to learn.
Talk about learning, I found these birds flitting around the path. They had me stumped until the parents started fussing at me and calling them. Those adult Northern Parulas were the ONLY clue to the identities of these birds.

I finished my morning at the number 4 hole's pond with lots of Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Tricolored Herons and Anhinga. Watch, the babies are the ones jumping around. They are trying out their wings.

The next day, they advertised the tour on an outdoor sign at the end of the St. Simons Island Causeway. They used one of my sketches. It is a bit intimidating to see your sketch blow up four feet by six feet.


  1. Golf courses always seem to be good birding spots. Hopefully they use some Green methods for watering, fertilzing and pest control.
    nice that you are learning dragonflies..
    I look forward to learning a few more here on your blog.

  2. Hi Dawn, I know that Pine Lake, does use green methods for watering, ferlilzing and pest control. Not sure about the other two. There are dragonflies glore down here so I have a lot to learn.
