Thursday, July 9, 2009

Evening on Pine Lakes

Yesterday Wednesday July 8, at about 5:20 I was at the Jekyll Island Golf Club. I was doing research for a brand new nature tour I have been asked to lead. We are going to offer nature tours of the golf courses in golf carts. Jekyll Island has three golf courses. They are Oleander, Indian Mound and Pine Lakes. This area is rich with history. As I learn more of the history on these golf courses I will pass it on to you.

Last evening I explored Pine Lakes with a sneak over to Indian Mound number 4 pond. Let me tell you it is fun to drive the carts. My first stop was the tee off at the second hole. (Sorry guys I do not play golf so I not sure of my terms. I would like some help here.) Anyway, at my first stop I had my first Eastern Bluebird. It was flying around flycatching with other birds. Flycatchers seem to like this course for I had a good many Eastern Bluebirds, Eastern Kingbirds and Great Crested Flycatchers. I then skipped over to hole number five. Last winter, my golfer buddies would tell me that the Bald Eagle was seen regularly in this area. I wondered if would be here. Earlier in the day the adult Bald Eagle was up on it pole on the causeway. Well, I did not see the eagle but what I did find was a lovely bog area. It should be great in August and September for migrating birds. On my way to the lakes at holes number 11 and 12, I stumbled on a little group of birds feasting on insects. There was a beautiful Yellow-throated Warbler about 10 feet in front of me catching moths. It was working low in the palmetto. I did not think fast enough to get my camera out. Here is an etching I did a few years ago. The lakes are the big draw to the birds. The Pine Lakes pond at number 11 had three Roseate Spoonbills and eight immature White Ibis. But when I bounced over to the pond on Indian Mound, It was loaded with birds. Nesting Tricolored Herons, Great and Snowy Egrets and Anhinga were everywhere. This is going to be a fun two-hour tour. If you want to join me, the tours will run either on Fridays or Wednesdays. Check with the Jekyll Island Golf Club for times and places. It is only $15 a person. This is going to be a fun way to spend an evening or a morning.


  1. Oh how very cool! I want to tell u about our new website..It is called Birders who blog tweet and chirp.
    I think it is the perfect venue for you to write about your walks or rather bird rides! We have regions and states listed..a calendar and lots of other stuff..

    Also you really should consider becoming a member of the Nature Blog Network! They also have a calendar of events.

    Both of these things will help u publicize your special area!

  2. Too cool! Thanks for the tips. I will join up.
