Monday, September 29, 2008

Thursday bird ramble

So far you have just a couple of little bits of the Thursday Morning Bird Ramble. It was a very good day. On the beach, we had a Reddish Egret feeding along with a Snowy Egret in the surf. There were 4 Piping Plovers, 5 Wilson's Plovers and 5 Semipalmated Plovers. There were two Merlins one of those landed on the beach very close to us and let me get the scope on it for the group, well for a few of us. We saw 4 American Oystercatchers together on the beach. One of the oystercatchers followed us back to the boardwalk. At the Campground Bird Sanctuary, warblers were using the bird drip...Chestnut-sided Warbler, Prairie Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula, and Western Palm Warbler. I could go on and on about the great weather, good company and variety of birds but just go outside for yourself and see what you find. Good birding!

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