Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Warbler Wave

Thursday morning I spent a little time on Jekyll. At the south end, I had 3 groups of 5 Prairie Warblers then 2 groups of 3 Prairie Warblers a couple of other birds fly by me. I have one photo that shows they were on the move. There were also a few American Redstarts flying around. I had two adult males flitting around the tree together at the Amphitheater area. It was glorious.
When I got to the beach, it was low tide. At first, there were just lots of Royal Terns, Laughing Gulls and a few Black Skimmers. I am working on a drawing of Black Skimmers so I sat down to draw. In a little while, I was rewarded for my patience three Black Terns flew in with a immature Common Tern.

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