Friday, August 22, 2008

Black Terns and Fay

I have a confession to make I played hooky. Please, give me a break there is a tropical storm out right outside my door. I am a birder, so I grabbed my binoculars, forgot my camera and headed out. When I turned onto East Beach Causeway there were Black Terns everywhere. Well I couldn’t stand it. I turned around and got my camera.
As I drove looking for interesting birds on St. Simons, I ran into Georgia Graves. She was out taking pictures for her seminar “The Georgia Coast: A Bird Magnet.” She will do this seminar at the festival so I was kind of working. After a few minutes of catching up, I went up to Gould’s Inlet. It is a very small place. There was a TV crew there doing a broadcast. People were all around the crew. It was a zoo. I turned back around and settle in with the Black Terns. Fascinating, these birds are abundant right off our coast. We work hard to see a few on land. Here they were about 200 or more. They looked like they do in the Great Plains, flitting around picking at the water in the marsh.

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