Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Putting up Plover Sign

On Tuesday April 1, Gene Keferl, John Galvani and I put up the Wilson’s Plover nesting signs at the southend of Jekyll. Another Jekyll person Bob Reed helped in the area that he walks. He is a big help during the season letting us know how these birds are doing.
Any way it was a plover day. We had 8 PIPING PLOVERS from the Water Tower on the east side around to the south end. When we were about out of energy we were rewarded by John finding the SNOWY PLOVER with the banded Piping Plover. These birds have been here throughout the winter season. The Snowy Plover is very elusive. We also had 3 WILSON’S PLOVERS and a Black-bellied Plover. These birds were mixed in with good flocks of Sanderlings, Dunlins, Least Sandpipers and Willets. Right at Jekyll Point the gull and tern and skimmers were piled up. In this mix was one Lesser Black-backed Gull. It was a super afternoon.
Good Birding

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