Saturday, March 24, 2007

Wilson's Plovers get a little help

March 24, 2007 Jekyll Island Putting up Wilson’s Plover nesting signs

For as many years I have been on Jekyll the Little feisty Wilson’s Plovers has nested on the southend of Jekyll. They use the sandy dune area to scrap out a depression in the sand and lay eggs. The chicks hatch and start feeding themselves almost immediately. The parents watch over their own chick with a parent’s pride. The real problem is that the flightless chicks have to run from there hiding places in the dunes to the waters edge to feed. The natural predators, crows, ghost crabs, and gulls, are constantly on the hunt for these defenseless chicks. Now add to that people who are clueless to the existents of these birds. These people think nothing is wrong with bringing there dogs and letting the run. Sometime without meaning to they will accidentally cut the chick off from the parents. To help prevent some of these accidents Coastal Georgia Audubon Society has brought signs. These signs read: “Wilson’s Plover Nesting Area, Stay back”
Today Gene Keferl, Pricilla Fleshman, Christa Frangiamore the new JIA Conservation Manager, and I set out 8 of these signs. We saw 8 Wilson’s Plovers scooting around near the signs. This is a good start to the nesting season. We could use a few more signs. If you are reading this and would like to help, let’s me know. Coastal Georgia Audubon Society will gladly accept donations.
After we put up the signs Gene and I went to see the Red-headed Woodpeckers who have been hanging out at Jim and Nancy Reed’s house. We enjoyed the visit with the Reeds and the Red-headed Woodpeckers. Nancy told us she had heard Whip-poor-will singing around the Presbyterian Church Tuesday evening. It would be fun to hear both the Whip-poor-will and the Chucks-will-widows singing at the same time. It has happened down here. Keep your ear open. Good Birding

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